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Streets Comprehensive Maintenance Plan Study

Bid Contact Information

Name: Tim Fournier

Email: tfournier@cityofbryant.com

Bid Information

The City of Bryant, Arkansas invites qualified professional firms that are licensed, bonded, and insured in the State of Arkansas to submit proposals to conduct a phased comprehensive street maintenance and widening plan. 


Proposals may be submitted to the City of Bryant no later than 12 noon on March 13, 2025. All proposals should conform to the format described in this RFP and should be submitted to the attention of: 

Tim Fournier
Director of Public Works
City of Bryant
210 SW 3rd St
Bryant, AR 72022

All submittals should include three (3) complete hard copies and one (1) electronic copy of the proposal in a sealed envelope marked "RFP FOR COMPREHENSIVE STREET MAINTENANCE AND WIDENING PLAN." 

Proposals will be opened and evaluated in private. From the proposals submitted, the City will select firms for further consideration. Additional information may be requested from these firms, and the City may schedule interviews prior to making a final selection. The City reserves the right to reject any or all responses and waive any irregularities or formalities in responses received. The City reserves the right to negotiate with the apparent acceptable firm(s).