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Bryant city offices will open at 10am on Monday, January 13th.

Duties of the Mayor

Annual Salary: $109,572

The principal officer of all Arkansas cities and towns within the mayor/council form of government is the mayor. By virtue of this position, the mayor is ex-officio president of the council. It is the mayor’s respon-sibility to keep the city government running properly. This includes enforcing city ordinances and making sure that the residents receive maximum benefits and services for the taxes that they pay.

Legislative Duties of the Mayor

  • In all municipalities in Arkansas, the mayor presides over the meetings of the council in cities and towns with the mayor/council form of government.
  • The mayor may vote when the mayor’s vote is needed to pass any ordinance, bylaw, resolution or motion. A.C.A. §§ 14-43-501; 14-44-107; 14-45-105. Mayors in cities of the first and second class have a vote to establish a quorum. A.C.A. §§ 14-43-501; 14-44-107.
  • After the passage of an ordinance setting the procedure for special council meetings, the mayor has the authority to call the council into session for a special meeting. A.C.A. § 14-43-502.
  • The mayor is required to sign all ordinances, resolutions and city council minutes. A.C.A. §55-205.
  • If provided by council rules, the mayor may introduce ordinances and resolutions and recommend policy.
  • The mayor in cities and towns with the mayor/council form of government may veto any ordinance, resolution or order adopted by the council. Councils may override the veto by two-thirds vote of the total membership of the council. A.C.A. §§ 14-43-504; 14-44-107; 14-45-105.
  • The vote to override should occur at the next regular council meeting. A.C.A. §§ 14-43-504; 14-44-107; 14-45-105.

Administrative Duties of the Mayor

  • Mayors of cities and towns with the mayor/council form of government are required to pre-pare and submit a budget to the city council for approval on or before December 1 of each year (See Chapter V).
  • All mayors of cities of the first class must submit to the city council within the first 90 days of each year a complete report on the financial and administrative activities of the city. This is com-monly referred to as the State of the City Report. A.C.A. § 14-58-302.
  • The mayor shall also “keep the governing body advised as to the financial condition and future needs of the city and make such recommendations as to him or her may be desirable.” A.C.A. §58-302.
  • The mayor oversees the day-to-day activities of the city and supervises department heads.

The Mayor’s Duties of Appointment, Nomination and Removal
Mayors in cities or towns with the mayor/council form of government have the power to appoint and remove all department heads, including police and fire chiefs, unless the city or town council votes to override the mayor’s action by a two-thirds majority of all council members. In cities with a civil service commission, the council may, by ordinance, delegate the authority to appoint and remove the police or fire chief to the city’s civil service commission. The mayor may not appoint or remove department heads that are not under the control of the governing body of the city. A.C.A. § 14-42-110. Mayors may also appoint or nominate:

  • A building official (A.C.A. § 14-56-202(b)).
  • A board of library trustees (A.C.A. § 13-2-502 [with city council approval]).
  • A director of a department of public safety (A.C.A. § 14-42-421).
  • A health officer, when the position has been created by ordinance (A.C.A. § 14-262-103).
  • An airport commission (with council approval) (A.C.A. § 14-359-105).
  • A parks and recreation commission (A.C.A. § 14-269-202 [with council confirmation] and 14-269-302 [with council confirmation]).
  • A marshal in some second class cities (A.C.A. § 14-44-111).
  • An at-large member of an Advertising and Promotion Commission (with council approval) (A.C.A. 26-75-605).

Duties of the Council Members

Annual Salary: $7,520

City council members are officers and officials of their city. The city council:

  • Enacts ordinances and bylaws concerning municipal affairs that are consistent with state law in order to promote the health, safety, and welfare of the public. A.C.A. §§ 14-55-102; 14-43-602.
  • Has the management and control of the city finances and all real and personal property belong-ing to the city. A.C.A. § 14-43-502.
  • Adopts a budget by ordinance or resolution for operation of the city or town by February 1 of each year. A.C.A. § 14-58-202.
  • Sets the procedures by ordinance for making purchases that do not exceed the sum of $20,000 in cities of the first class, except as provided in A.C.A. § 14-58-104. Councils in second class cities and in towns may set procedures for making purchases, except as provided in section 14-58-104. C.A. § 14-58-303(b).
  • Sets the time and place for regular city council meetings (A.C.A. § 14-43-501). All meetings should be open to the public in accord with the state Freedom of Information Act. A.C.A. §19-106.
  • May override the mayor’s appointment and removal of department heads by a two-thirds vote of the total membership. A.C.A. § 14-42-110.
  • May override the mayor’s veto by a two-thirds vote. A.C.A. §§ 14-43-504; 14-44-107; 14-45-105.
  • Calls for a special election in cities of the first class to fill the vacancy of the unexpired mayor’s term of office, if the unexpired term is for more than one (1) year. A.C.A. § 14-43-401(b).
  • May fill, by appointment in cities of the first class, the vacancy to the office of mayor if the expired term is less than one (1) year. A.C.A. § 14-43-401(b)(1).
  • In a city of the second class or an incorporated town the city council shall fill a vacancy in the mayor’s of-fice for the unexpired term by either a majority vote of the council members or a special election. A.C.A. § 14-44-106;14-45-103).
  • Sets the salaries of the mayor, council and other municipal officials. Salaries of officials may be increased, but not decreased, during the term of office, except that the official receiving the salary may request a decrease. A.C.A. § 14-42-113.
  • Either establishes a city fire department or, by ordinance, enters into a contract or interlocal agree-ment for city fire protection with an existing fire department certified by the Arkansas Fire Protec-tion Services Board. The council may promulgate rules to govern a city fire department. A.C.A. §53-101.
  • Establishes a city police department and organizes it under the general superintendence of the mayor. A.C.A. § 14-52-101. Directs by ordinance the number of subordinate number of officers to be appointed. A.C.A. § 14-52-201.
  • Sets the rates for city utilities and establishes fees for city services.
  • Enacts ordinances establishing sales taxes and referring same to the voters.
  • Takes actions leading to annexation of territory to the city.
  • Establishes and certifies to the county clerk the amount of property taxes to be levied within the city or town prior to the regular meeting of the quorum court in November or December of each year. A.C.A. §§ 26-73-202; 14-14-904.
  • May establish (and abolish) various commissions to manage and operate such services as parks, utilities, an airport, advertising and promotion, planning and others, as provided by state law.

Duties of City Clerk

Annual Salary: $36,348 (Part Time)

  • Directly supervise the development and implementation of record retention policies and procedures in accordance with State law.
  • Attend all regular and special City Council meetings, recording the meetings, transcribe and prepare the minutes for the official minute record book.
  • Maintain the City Code of Ordinances.
  • Maintain all past records for the City.
  • Maintain a current listing of the city boards and committees.
  • City Clerk serves as ex-officio secretary for the City Council and prepares the minutes and the correspondence for the Board members.
  • Provides support for the City Council.

Duties of City Attorney

Annual Salary: $107,360

  • Advise the Mayor, the City Council, members of city boards, commissions, and other city officials in all legal matters pertaining to city operations and interest.
  • Represents the City of Bryant in all legal matters that result in litigation before local, state, and federal courts and administrative boards.
  • Prepare ordinances and resolutions that come before the City Council for consideration.
  • Attend city council, staff, and other meetings.
  • Draft and review contracts, agreements, leases, and all other legal documents pertaining to city affairs.
  • Respond to EEOC charges and requests for information.
  • Respond to requests under the Arkansas Freedom of Information Act.
  • Update policies and ordinances to maintain compliance with changes in state and federal law.
  • Work with outside counsel retained by City for preparation of bonds and litigation.
  • The City Attorney is responsible for the prosecution of all criminal and civil City of Bryant code violations occurring within the corporate limits of the City of Bryant and shall persecute all misdemeanor criminal violations occurring within the corporate limits of the City of Bryant unless the city, if under contract with the Saline County Prosecuting Attorney or another qualified attorney to prosecute such criminal cases.