Permits & Fees
Construction Permit Applications
Commercial & Residential Permit Fees
Schedule of Building Permit Fees for One and Two Family Dwellings
- New Building - $0.14 per square foot of area under roof with minimum of $150.00
- Addition - $0.14 per square foot of area under roof with a minimum of $100.00
- Accessory Building - $0.14 per square foot of area under roof with a minimum of $40.00
- Re-Inspections and additional inspections - $35.00 per inspection *(See note below)
- Work commencing before permit issuance - Permit fee shall be doubled
- Electrical Reinspection - $50.00
*Note: Re-inspections will not be rescheduled until each re-inspection fee for each trade that failed inspection has been paid.
Schedule of Building Permit Fees for All Other than One and Two Family Dwellings
Including Commercial, Industrial, and Apartment complex
- New Building - $0.15 per square foot under roof with a minimum of $200.00
- Addition - $0.15 per square foot under roof with a minimum of $100.00
- Accessory Building - $0.15 per square foot under roof with a minimum of $40.00
- Re-Inspections and additional inspections - $35.00 per inspection *(See note below)
- Work commencing before permit issuance - Permit fee shall be doubled
- Electrical Reinspection - $50.00
- Commercial Plan Review - When the valuation of the proposed construction exceeds $100,000.00 a Plan Review Fee shall be paid at a rate equal to one half the building permit fee with a maximum plan review fee of $5000.00. The plan review fee shall be charged at the time of submittal of the building permit. The application is a non-refundable fee. Projects containing multiple buildings which are submitted on a single set of plans for plan review, shall have the plans review fee based upon a building permit fee calculated using the total square footage of the proposed buildings included in the plans submitted for review.
*Note: Re-inspections will not be rescheduled until each re-inspection fee for each trade that failed inspection has been paid.
Schedule of Electrical Permit Fees
- Electrical Systems, all new construction, additions and accessory buildings - $0.14 per square foot of area under roof with a minimum of $50.00 whichever is greater
- Electrical Systems, Renovations, Alternation and Repairs - $50.00 Per Inspection
- Electrical Service Only, Service Change Outs or Electrical Service Upgrades - $50.00
- Temporary Service Pole - $50.00
- TPP (temporary power to structure prior to final inspection) - $50.00 Minimum Electrical Fee
- Re-inspections and Additional Inspections - $50.00 (*see note below)
- Alternative Energy Systems–Solar Panels, Fuel Cells, Wind Generators, etc. - $50.00 Minimum Electrical Fee, $45.00 for each additional system
- Work commencing before permit issuance - Permit fee shall be double
*Note: Re-inspections will not be rescheduled until each re-inspection fee for each trade that failed inspection has been paid.
Schedule of Plumbing Permit Fees
Water Meter Installation Rates and Fees- Plumbing Systems for new construction, additions and accessory buildings - $0.14 per square foot of area under roof with a or $40.00 whichever is greater
- Remodel, Renovation, Alterations, Replacement and Repairs - $40.00 minimum Plumbing Fee plus fees for fixtures as noted:
- a. Plumbing Fixtures $5.00 each
- b. Water Heater $15.00 each
- Re-inspections and additional inspections (*see $35.00 note below)
*Note: Re-inspections will not be rescheduled until each re-inspection fee for each trade that failed inspection has been paid.
Schedule of Fuel Gas Permit Fees
- Gas Service Line Per Meter - $35.00
- Re-Inspection or Additional Inspections - $35.00 Per Inspection
- Work commencing before permit issuance - Permit fee shall be doubled
*Note: Re-inspections will not be rescheduled until each re-inspection fee for each trade that failed inspection has been paid.
Schedule of Mechanical Permit Fees
- Heating & Cooling System for new construction, additions and accessory - $0.14 per square foot of area under roof with a minimum of $70.00 whichever is greater buildings
- Remodel, Renovation, Alterations, Replacement and Repairs - $35.00
*Note: Re-inspections will not be rescheduled until each re-inspection fee for each trade that failed inspection has been paid.
Other Mechanical Fees
- Boilers - $70.00 for one boiler plus $25.00 for each additional boiler
- Commercial Vent Hoods and Exhaust Systems - $60.00 for one exhaust system plus $15.00 each additional system
- Ductwork - $70.00 for one system plus $35.00 for each additional system
- HVAC change out/repair - $70.00 for one unit + $35.00 for each additional unit
- Re-inspections and additional Inspections - $35.00 per inspection (*see note below)
- Work commencing before permit issuance - Permit fee shall be doubled
*Note:Re-inspections will not be rescheduled until each re-inspection fee for each trade that failed inspection has been paid.
Permit for Work in the Street Right-Of-Way or City Easement
- Permit Fee - $50.00 - Fee waived for ATT, Verizon, Summit Utilities, Comcast, Entergy, Fidelity, 1st Electric, and Windstream
*Note:Re-inspections will not be rescheduled until each re-inspection fee for each trade that failed inspection has been paid.