Our mission is to provide quality of life to residents by building and maintaining Public Works infrastructure to protect the health and welfare of the city residents, businesses, and visitors along with the environment. We will provide superior customer service in a timely and efficient manner. The department works to provide these services, as well as to support economic growth and development with the teamwork and trust of highly qualified and skilled personnel. We will ensure that all improvements are designed and built in accordance to City standards with accepted engineering and construction practices.
Due to an internal review of rate ordinances, the City will now be charging customers receiving sewer services to locations outside of the City limits double the prevailing minimum charge. There will be no change to the excess of 2,000 gallon usage rate. This has been in rate ordinances since 2011. Per ordinance 2021-07, the minimum sewer charge is $19.89, and outside city limit customers will now be charged a minimum charge of $39.78. Please be advised that this is NOT a new charge, and the City is following the ordinance that was established in 2021.
Water Sewer Advisory Committee
Water Sewer Advisory Committee
Water Sewer Advisory Committee
Water Sewer Advisory Committee
Water Sewer Advisory Committee