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City Budget

The City budget is prepared by the mayor, department heads, finance director, and staff. It is then presented to city council at the end of each calendar year and is passed by resolution for the upcoming year.

budget infographic 1

The budgeting process actually begins early fall. City staff begin meeting with the finance director to establish the financial needs for their departments for the upcoming year. Once this process has been completed, workshops are then held with the city council to present the requests. These meetings are all open to the public. City Council then reviews and begins working through any changes or adjustments they feel must be made to set a balanced budget for the upcoming year.

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The purpose of the budget process is to evaluate and direct city departments, helping them make successful decisions in resource allocation, program evaluations, financial management, and long-range planning that best serves the citizens of Bryant.

For any questions please contact The City of Bryant Finance Department at (501) 943-0318 or email us at finance@cityofbryant.com.

The purpose of the budget process is to evaluate and direct city departments, helping them make successful decisions in resource allocation, program evaluations, financial management, and long-range planning that best serves the citizens of Bryant.

The Four Strategic Areas

Since 2014, Bryant has used four strategic areas to organize the annual budget. These areas are Public Safety, Health and Quality of Life, Connectivity, and Smart Growth. In our budget book, we have tried to align the Letter of Transmittal with these focus areas as well as all departmental goals, accomplishments, and performance measures. Certain departments meet more than one of these goals and are listed as such. This format provides a clear framework around around which Department Heads and Departments as a whole can organize their time and resources.

2024 Budget At a Glance

A City of Bryant Firetruck

Public Safety

Budgeted Amount: $21,267,085

The Public Safety strategic area primarily consists of the Fire Department, the Police Department, Animal Control, Water and Wastewater, and the Court System. These are departments primarily focus on the maintaining the well-being of Bryant's citizens.

Health an Quality of Life for Citizens and Visitors

Budgeted Amount: $9,560,015

This strategic area is primarily focused on the Parks Department. Bryant has 6+ parks scattered around the city and this strategic area of the budget is spent on maintenance and improvements to these facilities. This also includes 50% of water and wastewater costs.

Baseball fields at Bishop Park
Public Works installing a new drain


Budgeted Amount: $6,845,682

Public Works is primarily in charge of connecting Bryant. Public Works is split into multiple sub-departments that maintain various pieces of Bryant's infrastructure like streets, sidewalks, drains, and so much more.

Completion of Bryant Parkway

Budgeted Amount: $1,700,000

Bryant Parkway photo
Bryant Water Tower

Smart Growth

Budgeted Amount: $2,157,977

Smart Growth is dedicated to the administration departments like Community Development, Engineering, IT, and Planning. This Strategic area is about planning for Bryant's Future.

Click below to download this year's
adopted city budget.

City of Bryant Budget Book 2025